Other List

Name Description Version Download
Autocount plugin
  • Post Sales Invoice - Fixed FOC Qty posted wrong qty value, it is always based on lowest UOM.
  • 1.0.157 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Post Sales CN - support mapping field {sr_date}
  • 1.0.156 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Fixed post to AR Payment UDF field failed when value is empty.
  • 1.0.155 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • To support mysql 8 and .net framework 4.6.1
  • 1.0.153 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Sales CN - supports mapping for sr_code and rr_code
  • Sales Invoice - suppports mapping for dtl_item_group_1_code
  • 1.0.152 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Post sales credit note - show discount by amount in discount column
  • 1.0.151 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Supports item mapping for item group GL codes.
  • Supports purchase invoice mapping for received date.
  • 1.0.150 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Fixed doc date mapping issue for purchase invoice
  • 1.0.149 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Post AR Payment supports mapping for salesman code.
  • Sync debtor supports parent account by customer remark.
  • Fixed post cash sales invoice project code issue.
  • 1.0.148 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Post purchase invoice - supports vendor invoice date mapping {userdate_01}.
  • Post sales invoice - supports insert footer discount into new line.
  • Post purchase return - mapping on SupplierCnNo will not be overwrite.
  • 1.0.147 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Post sales invoice - supports mapping field {shipment_date}.
  • Post purchase return - supports posting from return delivery by setting.
  • 1.0.146 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Post Sales Return enable option for post to G/L and stock.
  • 1.0.145 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Post A/R Deposit - supports setting for division deposit payment method.
  • 1.0.144 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Supports sync debtor control account by parent code.
  • 1.0.143 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Post A/R Payment - allow to post WIP (PDC) status collection.
  • 1.0.142 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Supports sync debtor control account setting.
  • 1.0.141 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Fixed data is null bugs from previous version.
  • Supports posting to A/R deposit for collection indicated as deposit.
  • 1.0.140 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Supports item division level GL account setting for posting all documents.
  • Post A/R payment supports mapping for doc_code.
  • 1.0.139 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Sync Item - now get latest cost and price.
  • Post stock transfer and stock adjustment will execute UOM conversion.
  • 1.0.138 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Sync stock item - added option to search for created date.
  • 1.0.137 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Fixed post AR Payment by division error.
  • 1.0.136 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Fixed division level G/L account code bugs.
  • 1.0.135 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Added sales return module, enable by config "enableSalesReturn" = true
  • Post AR payment supported mobile ref field mapping.
  • Fixed sync item updated date bugs.
  • 1.0.134 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Added update shipment form.
  • 1.0.133 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Enable posting AR Payment by division.
  • Sync debtor includes email field.
  • 1.0.132 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Supports setting foc qty for zero price.
  • Use SslMode=None connection for https enabled server.
  • 1.0.131 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Fixed posting AR Payment (Batch Collection) - Duplicate cash book entry no.
  • 1.0.130 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Fixed posting AP Debit Note - TaxType Object reference bugs.
  • 1.0.129 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Supports division GL code.
  • Supports auto AR Payment document no.
  • Allow posting draft status collection by setting.
  • Added mapping for AR Payment doc date and cheque date.
  • 1.0.128 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Sync item form added update item UOM and Rate function.
  • 1.0.127 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Added option to post foc qty to FocQty field.
  • 1.0.126 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Fixed sync item debtor and creditor bugs.
  • 1.0.125 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Supports multiple database selection.
  • Stock adjustment and stock transfer supports all division selection.
  • 1.0.124 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Fixed sync item search "Data is null" bugs.
  • Sync item will not create item group if mapping for ItemGroup exists.
  • 1.0.123 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Supports config setting "cnDefaultTaxMode", 0=Empty Tax, 1=Follow CN.
  • Fixed search item bugs where description2 is null.
  • 1.0.122 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Added setting to support posting purchase invoice by vendor's invoice date. (Required web v1.5.0)
  • Post stock adjustment and stock transfer batch number to follow setting.
  • Fixed sync items mapping bugs.
  • 1.0.121 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Added sync currency option for debtor and creditor.
  • Auto create debtor area if not exist.
  • Auto create debtor type if not exist.
  • Fixed post AR Refund not following project code setting.
  • 1.0.120 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Added mapping for item and customer user fields.
  • Added option to sync item cost/price.
  • Added option to sync customer credit limit.
  • 1.0.119 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Posting sales & purchase documents support account gl setting for item group 1 and 2.
  • Removed sync item packing (dimension) to Desc2 field.
  • 1.0.118 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Fixed sync item mapping ItemGroup bugs.
  • Fixed several UI bugs.
  • 1.0.117 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Fixed sync item page not showing search criteria bugs.
  • 1.0.116 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Sync item added "updated" column.
  • 1.0.115 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Fixed batch payment not posting bank charge.
  • 1.0.114 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • sync item support mapping for ref_code.
  • sync vendor will also sync vendor branches.
  • 1.0.113 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Added config ("disableStartDate" = true) to block user from select start date.
  • Added config ("divisionAccess" = "ALL") to allow user search by all division filter.
  • 1.0.112 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Added app setting stockItemPriceCostDefault.
  • 1.0.111 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Post delivery order based on setting "D/O Confirm Status".
  • Added UOM conversion to posting D/O.
  • 1.0.110 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Post delivery order using D/O number instead of invoice number.
  • Added UOM conversion to posting D/O.
  • 1.0.109 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Fixed post stock transfer zero cost bugs.
  • Stock transfer and stock adjustment posting using latest cost; fixed cost is used when latest cost is zero.
  • 1.0.108 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Fixed post A/R payment amount not including bank/credit card charges.
  • 1.0.107 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Post sales invoice - added mapping for do_code do_date.
  • 1.0.106 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Added company filter for AR Payment.
  • 1.0.105 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Post invoice will create auto uom conversion document. Condition: Advanced multi-UOM module is enabled. Enable Automatic UOM conversion in (Options - Invoicing - Document Control). Enable Auto UOM conversion in (Stock Item).
  • 1.0.104 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Post stock adjustment using latest cost.
  • 1.0.103 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Added setting for empty project code (all documents) - revert previous version.
  • 1.0.102 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Post sales invoice & order will truncate item description (100 char) and append description to remark.
  • 1.0.100 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • fixed AR Payment credit card charges not being post to bank charge.
  • post sales invoice ship info, replace new line with space.
  • 1.0.99 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Post sales invoice - filter by shipment status
  • 1.0.98 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Supports mapping for - customer > category_code - sales invoice > driver_name, transport_code
  • Sync vendor code by setting.
  • 1.0.97 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Supports customer item group code length. Config appsetting = "itemGroupCodeLength"
  • Post AR Payment added document status criteria.
  • 1.0.96 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • sync debtor added option to sync sales agent (limit 1)
  • added support to filter division by config setting (key="divisionAccess" value="HQ,KK")
  • 1.0.95 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Fix post A/P debit note empty tax type error.
  • 1.0.94 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Sync creditor - term
  • Sync stock items - sales uom, purchase uom, report uom, item cost, uom barcode, supports mapping.
  • 1.0.93 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Sync Item - added option to sync item uom price.
  • 1.0.92 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Fixed post purchase invoice grid overlap issue.
  • Show error stack trace at post AP CN and AP return.
  • Take out batch no when post stock adjustment.
  • 1.0.91 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Post A/R payment added void mode.
  • Post A/R payment supports mapping of customer business nature (customer_business) & email (customer_email).
  • Fixed sales invoice transport code posted as ID.
  • 1.0.90 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Post sales C/N and D/N support export term setting.
  • 1.0.89 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Post sales CN/DN, purchase invoice/return added option to post zero rated tax as empty tax.
  • 1.0.88 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Post sales invoice added option to post zero rated tax as empty tax.
  • 1.0.87 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Purchase return - supports post purchase agent mode.
  • 1.0.86 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Supports posting by vendor ref_code mode.
  • 1.0.85 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Truncate all ref field as autocount field length.
  • 1.0.84 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Fixed sync debtor mode setting (empty area and category).
  • 1.0.83 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Post AR Payment as cancelled if collection is in void status.
  • 1.0.82 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Increased char limit for mapping field Ref to 40.
  • Fixed created datetime not showing for sync debtor and creditor.
  • 1.0.81 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Updated sales order posting.
  • 1.0.80 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • fixed debit note wrongly posting as AR refund.
  • fixed post payment with null project code.
  • 1.0.79 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • added Post Stock Transfer module.
  • supports setting sync debtor mode (fill in area and debtor type).
  • 1.0.78 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • supports journal type settings for ARCN,ARDN,APCN,APDN,ARAP contra.
  • 1.0.77 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Fixed posting stock adjustment duplicated item & wrong cost bugs.
  • Allow post stock adjustment in decimal.
  • 1.0.76 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • mapping to DocNo, RefDocNo field will not append, value will be overwrite. (fixed bugs)
  • fixed empty location mode should not post to SalesLocation and PurchaseLocation.
  • 1.0.75 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • fixed posting C/N with amount adjustment item wrongly post to rounding amt.
  • 1.0.73 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • stock adjustment - supports base/default uom mode
  • purchase invoice - supports post purchase agent mode
  • journal entry - supports customer code mode
  • sales invoice - able to map cash/temp customer name {cash_cust_name}
  • 1.0.72 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Document sales/purchase location will follow location of first detail.
  • Can map to stock adjustment reason {reason}
  • Fixed stock adjustment unable to match item UOM.
  • 1.0.71 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Sales document posting supports new customer mode (4) - without filling child as branch code
  • Post purchase invoice userfield_01 (vendor's D/O no)
  • 1.0.70 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Sales C/N can post C/N Type.
  • 1.0.69 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • field mapping for purchase - doc no and ref no will overwrite not append.
  • 1.0.68 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • supports field mapping of customer code, ref code, website code and P/O code.
  • 1.0.67 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • added post stock adjustment module.
  • 1.0.66 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • show stack trace error for posting sales debit note.
  • 1.0.65 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • fixed post A/R payment missing bank charges issue.
  • 1.0.64 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • fixed journal entry posting not using inverze's journal number.
  • fixed sales invoice posting when discount % string is more than 20 char (use discount amount).
  • 1.0.63 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • fixed post A/R payment (batch collection) duplicate entry.
  • fixed post A/R payment amount not deducting bank charge.
  • added progress bar for most of the posting form.
  • 1.0.62 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • fixed post A/R payment (batch) duplicate transaction
  • fixed mapping field exceed limit
  • show detailed error message for exception [TargetInvocationException]
  • 1.0.61 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • Fixed wrong posting purchase C/N to A/P Credit Note, should be post to A/P Debit note.
  • Fixed posting A/P debit note missing GST code.
  • Added setting for posting sales document without agent code.
  • 1.0.60 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • posting purchase document supports mapping fields now
  • fixed posting AR payment (batch collection) not using correct account code by setting.
  • sales document hdr fields can be mapped to salesman code {salesman_code}
  • fixed posting Sales Debit Note wrongly to ARRefund due to SSC payment method GL code is empty.
  • 1.0.59 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • show all posting G/L account codes in error message
  • 1.0.58 Download
    Autocount plugin
  • fixed purchase return posting to wrong account (previous to purchase account)
  • 1.0.57 Download
    Dot Net Framework 4.6.1 Offline Installer - 4.6.1 Download
    SQL connector for autocount plugin - 8.0.30 Download
    SQL connector for autocount plugin - 6.9.8 Download
    TestMySql.exe - - Download
    Autocount plugin config - - Download