Mobile SFA App Download

Version 2 can be download here

Version Description Actions
3.0.580 Changes:
  • Print sales summary by division
  • Block UOM for sales and return not working properly when use block for purchase, transfer or consignment
  • Print tags for description 1 and description 2 for Invoice
  • Print tag customer branch name
  • Show DO in pending transactions
  • Print tag for item ref code
  • Validate qty for Consignment/Consignment Return by system setting
  • Attach photos for Tax Info Request
Bug fixes:
  • Rounding issue in sales dashbaord
  • Fix max length for tax info request for SST Reg and Emails fields
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3.0.574 Changes:
  • Revamp notifications for sales return and special request form
  • Add validation for mandatory one field for tax info request
  • Show TIN no. in customer listing
  • Show TIN No., New SSM No. & SST Registration in Customer Info
  • Move menu items to filters dialog in call card
  • Filter customer by assigned salesman
  • Print customer info for consignment return not working
Bug fixes:
  • Print all division for print Collection not working
  • Default All Divisions in Collection Report
  • Item catalog not showing
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3.0.569 Changes:
  • Add customer info print tags for consignment and consignment return
  • Division filter for collection listing report
  • Customer Tax Info
  • Order Sales Orders and Invoices in Special Request Form
  • Standardize print tags for invoice and delivery order
  • Consignment Return
  • Show price for consignment
  • Print Invoice duplicate details if has multiple uom barcodes
  • Call card search by dimension
Bug fixes:
  • Crash when key consignment for item with no stock balance
  • Stock count allow show all uoms regardless blocked or not
  • Show error message once exceeded invoice references allowed in collection
  • Fix crash bug when server UI flow setting is not cater by app version
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3.0.560 Changes:
  • Check in history
  • Print tag for barcode, branch code, branch name and delivery address in consignment
  • Print tag for item uom barcode in invoice
Bug fixes:
  • Edit check in photos remark and event type by system settings
  • Print screen not appearing after saving consignment
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3.0.556 Changes:
  • Show/hide stock count balance by system settings
  • Add statement of account report
  • Add switch lens for built in camera
Bug fixes:
  • Trade return delivery address if empty will assign customer address
  • Fix statement of account report
  • Collection suggested amount incorrect for debit note reference
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3.0.550 Changes:
  • Consignment customer code
  • Special Request Form attachments
  • Negative service item for Credit Note, Sales Order and Invoice by system settings
  • Cater for inactive Reason
  • Print tag for invoice and credit note ref code for collection
  • Collection debit note references
Bug fixes:
  • Fix salesman target not showing in dashboard
  • No monthly division sales target crash
  • Call card search popup when click on top of action bar
  • Sales Return not using branch delivery address
  • Sales Return Document No. duplicate if prefix and suffix is monthly or yearly
  • Print tag for loose and case total qty for stock transfers
  • Batch no for call card catalog
  • Collection references for invoices & credit note crash when is unsynced document
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3.0.541 Changes:
  • Personal target in dashboard
  • Show actual amount for open bills
  • Sales return item barcode print tag
Bug fixes:
  • Show batch no. field for Sales return
  • Upload invoice and credit note
  • Include Picking status SO for Special Request Form Reference SO
  • Collection crash when no reason
  • Change maximum qty limit to 7 digit for Credit Note and Sales Return
  • Display Approver/rejector for Sales Return
  • Print Stock Balance not printing bad location
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3.0.535 Changes:
  • Show/hide deposit by system settings
  • Mandatory currency for Special Request Form
  • Show sales Return approver/rejector code
  • Copy call card copy remark 1 and remark 2
  • Sales Return Approval show detail photo
  • Laser barcode scanner option
  • Approve/reject Sales Return remark
  • Enable/disable Sales Return Remark 1 by system setting
  • Prevent print voided collection
  • Sales Return approval status
  • Show/Hide purchase return by system settings
  • Stock balance report option to show bad location
Bug fixes:
  • Print Trade Return Listing printing other trade return
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3.0.528 Changes:
  • Printing tag for cheque no for sales summary
  • Purchase Return
  • Add extra validation for Special Request Form
  • Special Request Form updated logic
  • Changes to Special Request Form fields
  • Special Requets Form history
  • Cleanup UI for Special request form
  • 2 Level approval for Special Request Form
Bug fixes:
  • Wrong decimal suggested amount for collection for invoice and credit note
  • Double search button in call card for some Android devices
  • Execute search when open filter dialog in Call Card
  • Must sell promotion not showing for some customers
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3.0.517 Changes:
  • Collection reason
  • Special request form
  • Multiple templates for Sales Return printing
Bug fixes:
  • Print Stock Transfer decimal case and loose qty
  • Special request form no price group
  • Crash when no special request form doc no
  • Share PDF via whatsapp/email for Android 11
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3.0.511 Changes:
  • Stock count allow select blocked item by system settings
  • Reject Sales Return
  • Show more info for Sales Return approval
  • Add packing code for good replacement refer invoice
  • Change UI for call card item filters
  • Sales dashboard chart is scrollable and summarized amount
  • Call card item catalog
  • Show/hide customer remark by system settings
Bug fixes:
  • Block valid call card promotion quantity validation
  • Division all not working for filters in sales dashboard
  • Changing division in sales dashboard not reloading filter values
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3.0.504 Changes:
  • Print tag for total references for print collection
  • Division all for PDF reports
  • Division all for dashboard, summary and pending transactions
Bug fixes:
  • Crash stock transfer edit details
  • Sales history total amount rounded incorrectly
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3.0.499 Changes:
  • Copy call card
  • Attach image from device storage
  • Stock transfer transfer all location to by system setting
Bug fixes:
  • Pending sales order showing other division sales order
  • Fix decimal uom for call card, consignment, stock transfer & print report
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3.0.495 Changes:
  • Call card order in stock not red font when no stock
  • Thermal printer allow print image
  • Print tag for salesman last and first name for sales return, credit note, collection and stock transfer
  • Print tag for salesman last and first name for print reports
  • Sales order suggest sorting by code and description
Bug fixes:
  • Disable database conflict checking when sync
  • Print tag for salesman last and first name for collection summary report
  • Sales Order proposed not showing in pending transactions after sync
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3.0.490 Changes:
  • Mobile print history for collection
  • Delivery Tracking report
Bug fixes:
  • Call card and van sales list order if exceed 10 details not sorted properly
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3.0.487 Changes:
  • Bluetooth printer uuid by system setting
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3.0.486 Changes:
  • Print Sales Return tag for batch no and expiry date
Bug fixes:
  • Sales summary report not showing own sales
  • View call card history with foc items crash
  • View collection crash when have invoice reference
  • Return status summary report
  • Collection save crash when reference invoice history missing
  • Pending sales order showing synced sales orders
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3.0.480 Changes:
  • Sales Return approval by system settings
  • Stock Balance indicator in call card
  • Print tag for trade return customer branch
  • Print tag for shipment date for collection invoice reference
  • Test messaging from server
  • Enable location drop down for van trade return
Bug fixes:
  • Sync incorrect db uuid to server
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3.0.476 Changes:
  • Register device to FCM on install for cloud messaging
  • Sales Return copy invoice details
  • Validation for sales return reference invoice amount
  • Show/Hide customer salesmans by system settings
  • Good Received by PO Details
Bug fixes:
  • Incorrect stock balance in product listing for balance with decimal
  • Sync sales order and invoice auto rounding to server
  • Sync sales order and invoice auto rounding to server
  • Credit Note, Sales Return & Goods Replacement refer invoice incorrect branch id
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3.0.468 Changes:
  • Call card & Van Sales order by input sequence, foc only at bottom of order
  • Flexi discount promotion update UI
  • Show ref no. in open bills and check credit
  • Division note for print collection, invoice and credit note
  • Void synced proposed call card
Bug fixes:
  • Invoice by item listing hang when print
  • Collection for unsynced invoice and credit note references suggest amount and printing
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3.0.462 Changes:
  • Show/hide filter in call card by system settings
  • Auto save sales return by system settings
  • Enabled/disable header discount for sales return by system settings
  • Negative service item price for sales return by system settings
  • Print sales return tags for item pack
  • Void instead of delete call card
Bug fixes:
  • Edit photos for sales return not saving
  • Division history invoice listing filter by division
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3.0.458 Changes:
  • Pending transaction dashboard
Bug fixes:
  • Good replacement pending transactions
  • Good replacement price history showing referred
  • Print Call card template telephone no. include division remark
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3.0.455 Changes:
  • Sales order history
  • Invoice division history filter by customer branch
  • Consignment
Bug fixes:
  • Call card history est delivery date
  • No price showing for call card printing
  • Call card order amount equals to min amount still invalid
  • Call card preview discount not appearing in pdf
  • Filter in action bar not showing for small screen device
  • Crash when add item in credit note
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3.0.448 Changes:
  • Print tag for branch code and name for call card
  • Print tag for total order discount, tax and net in non-local currency
  • Disable sales return form field by system setting
  • Separate remark 1 and 2 tags for call card and sales return
  • Call card min order amount use local order amount
  • Lowest FOC promo total qty need be multiplier of min qty
  • Sales Return mandatory refer invoice by system setting
  • Show/hide PDF report by system settings
  • Login crash when empty user and password
  • Custom flow for goods replacement
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3.0.444 Changes:
  • Set default branch when select branch from customer listing
  • Promotion listing not showing
Bug fixes:
  • Change discount logic for Sales Return refer invoice
  • Block user from keying too long cheque no.
  • Change error message for min order amount in call card
  • Salesman block branch not working at customer listing
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3.0.441 Changes:
  • Goods replacement
  • Call card editable area by system setting
  • Change filter keyword algorithm
  • Stock transfer void by system settings
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3.0.438 Bug fixes:
  • Fix printing alignment issue for dot matrix printer
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3.0.437 Changes:
  • Add PDF from device storage for collection
  • Add photo from device storage for collection
  • Disable call card form field by system setting
  • Upload Collection Receipt
Bug fixes:
  • Exclude FOC item from average refer invoice price for sales return
  • Document No. not syncing if has sync upload error
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3.0.433 Changes:
  • Sales return refer invoice footer discount
  • Edit collection photos by system settings
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3.0.431 Changes:
  • Void collection by system settings
  • Prevent input negative collection amount
  • Call card promotions filter
  • Call card and van sales min order amount by system settings
Bug fixes:
  • Min order amount not working for call card
  • Refer invoice for Credit Note and Sales Return not showing
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3.0.428 Changes:
  • Show error/warning when sync product barcode
  • Call card key delivery information by system setting
Bug fixes:
  • Tune performance of customers and branches listing
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3.0.425 Changes:
  • PDF printing for Sales Return
  • Dashboard for pending transactions
  • Sync errors/warnings history
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3.0.424 Changes:
  • Show sync error/warning messages
  • History to view sync error/warning messages
  • Tune performance for customer listing for sunmi devices
  • Show/hide customer branches by system settings
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3.0.422 Changes:
  • Show/hide item list and price by system setting
  • Show price 0 for call card for FOC item for price zero setting
  • Call card default discount header by customer extra field
  • Customer branch listing
Bug fixes:
  • Crash bug in customer listing when searching
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3.0.419 Changes:
  • Exclude call card credit limit check when credit check is set to none
  • Default Sales Return branch to location check in branch
Bug fixes:
  • Promotion FOC lowest foc wrong quantity
  • Sales Return crash for certain devices
  • Crash when select promo from call card order
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3.0.415 Changes:
  • Promotion FOC lowest
Bug fixes:
  • Change system setting for black items
  • Synced sales return won't appear in trade return listing
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3.0.412 Changes:
  • Blacklist item sales return by system settings
  • Blacklist item call card by system settings
  • Show stock balance for call card by system settings
Bug fixes:
  • Sales Return no set Doc No. crash
  • DMS transactions crash
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3.0.408 Changes:
  • Promotion basket foc by set qty
  • Sales return void instead of delete
  • Scan barcode filter for customer listing
Bug fixes:
  • Remove press volume button to scan barcode in call card
  • Crash when view CN in division history
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3.0.402 Changes:
  • Update app logos
  • Auto forced rounding for CN
  • Print Invoice as DO
  • Print DO company reg no. template tag
  • Picking filter by item barcode
Bug fixes:
  • Show incorrect outstanding credit for blacklisted customer
  • Preview call card showing despite disabled
  • Suggest payment showing for view only collection
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3.0.397 Changes:
  • Add cheque and bill to bill payment method to call card
  • Print collection invoice and credit note references
Bug fixes:
  • App crash for android 4.4 devices
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3.0.394 Changes:
  • Print call card customer attention
  • Show project code and salesman in open bills
  • Replace delete with void stock transfer
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3.0.392 Changes:
  • Suggest payment amount for collection
  • System setting params for download documents
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3.0.391 Changes:
  • Sales return photos
Bug fixes:
  • Prevent collection ref no from exceeding allowed length
  • Unable to reprint CN from pending transactions
  • Sales return not showing location
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3.0.388 Bug fixes:
  • Trade return crashing for certain mobile devices
  • Voided invoice not showing voided indicator
  • Crash when 1st time install due to permissions
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3.0.387 Changes:
  • Download CN pdf from division history
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3.0.386 Changes:
  • Print barcode for thermal printer
  • Replace delete stock transfer with void stock transfer
  • Include image in stock transfer qty
Bug fixes:
  • Company Registration No not appearing in print invoice
  • Unable to delete van sales even when system setting enabled
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3.0.383 Changes:
  • Download invoice pdf from division history
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3.0.382 Changes:
  • Backup database
  • Call card preview
  • Increase database shared via whatapps maximum size to 500Mb
Bug fixes:
  • Credit Note location show only by selected division
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3.0.377 Changes:
  • Show indicator for referred invoices for Sales Return and Credit Note
  • Stock transfer reason
  • Print stock transfer reason
  • Print customer name line 2 tag for collection
  • Print CN custom tag for company name and reg no.
Bug fixes:
  • Call card updating qty in balance tab not updating outlet balance in order tab
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3.0.372 Changes:
  • Print invoice and collection custom tag for company name and reg no.
  • Cash van sales term by system setting
Bug fixes:
  • Unable to scroll order status tracking report
  • Picking qty after save not showing
  • Call card item min order qty
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3.0.368 Changes:
  • Show/hide proposed status by system settings
  • Print temp customer name for cash customer
  • Include/exclude location for SR
  • Check credit listing & overdue dashboard
  • Exclude rounding from subtotal printing invoice
  • Call card printing PDF format
Bug fixes:
  • Van sales remark
  • Call card outlet balance
  • Call card negative amount crash
  • FOC Net amount and discount is 0
  • Call card discount detail not showing
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3.0.361 Changes:
  • Trade return for van sales flow
  • Apply no tax system setting for call card & van sales
Bug fixes:
  • Credit limit only include credit type unsync invoice
  • No tax system setting not working for promo and service item
  • Stock transfer allow consignment locations
  • Tag for detail discount amount for print call card
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3.0.357 Changes:
  • Tag for stock price and net amount for print stock transfer
  • Tag for detail discount amount for print invoice
  • Credit limit checking in van call card
  • Stock transfer item price by system settings
  • Tag for customer address for print SO & SR
  • Assign mobile picker
  • Print CN tag for reason
Bug fixes:
  • Add validation for stock transfer same location from and to
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3.0.354 Changes:
  • Print SR barcodes
  • Print collection remark newline
  • Remove mandatory refer invoice for SR
  • Item price history sort by system settings
  • Sales Return auto set item price by refer invoice
  • Minor tuning of theme color
  • Dark theme drop down background color
  • Show total balance & reserved for inventory expiry
  • Show total qty in order
Bug fixes:
  • Rounding service item adjustment not appearing
  • Edit SR detail crash
  • Invoice last price edit price if min price lower then price group
  • Change formula for SR invoice unit price
  • View CN History crash on some devices
  • Call card inclusive tax when calculating order amount
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3.0.345 Changes:
  • Print invoice template by division
  • Print stock balance by uom
  • Gst no. for CN, SR and Invoice Printing
  • Customer note for SR Printing
  • Printing date and time format by van system settings
  • Print Invoice taxable amount
  • Crash in call card due to missing system settings
  • Filter by CN Type for Print Trade Return Listing
  • Taxable amount for print invoice
Bug fixes:
  • Android 11 file permission crash
  • Edit price
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3.0.94b Bug fixes:
  • Pending Collection crash
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3.0.93b Bug fixes:
  • Call card alignment for small screen devices
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3.0.92b Bug fixes:
  • Pending transaction showing both unsync and synced sales return
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