Create Debtor Category

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Our system can support up to 3 customer categories.

You can categorize your customer, based on their type/brand/channel/group. This categorization is flexible according to your needs. It will help you to view sales report /promotion assignment.

Customer Category 1- Channel
-> GT-General Trade
-> MT-Modern Trade
Customer Category 2- Chain
-> 99 Speedmart
-> 7 Eleven
-> Giant
-> Aeon
Customer Category 3- Category
->Mini Market
-> Convenience shop
-> Petro Mart

 To Create Customer category, Go to Customer > Setup> Customer Category 1

Then click Create button.

Then fill in the form with your desired code and description. When done, simply click the Create button.

A green notification will appear, and then just click close.

To update the code or description. Go to the Manage Customer Category 1, search the code in the table box, and then click the pencil button.
– To delete just click the red X button

Make any changes you need in the update page and then click save and close