Sales and Delivery Setup

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Table of contents
Sales Team
Route Plan
Price Group

Click on the Sales & Delivery Index.

Sales Team

Click Sales Team to assign salesman to team and view sales report by sales team.
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In the sales team page, click Create
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Give the Sales Team a Code and Description and then Click Create button.
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Message “Data saved…” appeared and the sales team created.
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Now assign salesman to the team. Under Team Members section, click Assign.
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Type the salesman username and then click Search button.
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Tick the salesman and then click Assign button.
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Message “Users assigned…” appeared and salesman assigned to team done.
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To delete team members, click X Or, tick the team member, and click Delete button.

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Route Plan

Route plan is the schedule to arrange the salesman’s daily visit. There are two ways to set a routeplan.
i. Route Plan by Calendar Days
Click Import v1.
Select the Division Select the salesman by manually key in the salesman code or click to select salesman from the list. Then, click Download.
An excel file will be downloaded.
Open the excel file.
Fill in Visit_1 to Visit_10 columns only.
For example, in the month of December 2016, the salesman S02 will visit Customer 308G/099 according to below dates: 1st visit – 1st December 2016 2nd visit – 15th December 2016 3rd visit – 29th December 2016 Once finish fill in the route plan. Save the excel file. Now, import the excel file into the system. Under “Import to division”, choose the correct Division.
Click Choose File button.
Locate the route plan excel file just now. Then click Open.
Clear data after date, select the date that you want the route plan date to be updated. In example, assume today is 20th November 2016. The route plan is for month of December 2016, choose clear data after date 1st December 2016. Assume today is 15th December 2016. The route plan is to rectify route plan after 17th December 2016 Choose clear data after date 17th December 2016. Important: Clear Data After Date – system will delete the route plan from the selected date onwards. If Clear data after date is 01/12/2016, system will delete whole route plan from 1/12/2016 onwards, and then replace with the uploaded excel file.
Once the Clear Data After Date is chosen, click the Upload button.
Message will appeared “All route plan was imported.”
Click to return to Route Plans home page.
Check the salesman route plan.
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ii. Route Plan by Week Day
Click Import v2.
Select the Division Select the salesman by manually key in the salesman code or click to select salesman from the list. Then, click Download.
An excel file will be downloaded.
Fill in Visit_1 to Visit_10 columns only. There you can fill in from W1D1 until W4D7: W1 – Week 1 W2 – Week 2 W3 – Week 3 W4 – Week 4 D1 – Monday D2 – Tuesday D3 – Wednesday D4 – Thursday D5 – Friday D6 – Saturday D7 – Sunday
For example, the salesman 4000C07 want to visit customer 300/D001 every Monday of the week: 1st visit – W1D1 2nd visit – W2D1 3rd visit – W3D1 4th visit – W4D1
Once finish fill in the route plan. Save the excel file.  Now, import the excel file into system. Under “Import to division”, choose the correct Division.
Click Choose File button.
Locate the route plan excel file just now. Then click Open.
Reset All Route Plan: Yes – will clear all route for the future, and replace with the current excel file. No – will NOT clear all route for the future, but will add in customer route plan from the current excel file.
Once the Reset All Route Plan is chosen, click the Upload button.
Message will appeared “All route plan was imported.” Click to return to Route Plans home page.
Check the Salesman route plan.
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Setup Price Group

Set the special selling price for specific customers.


Click Create.


Fill in Price Group Code and Description.

Click Create button.


Message “Data saved…”


Assign Customers / Customer Category to Price Group

Under Customers section, click Assign Customers.

Price group setting can be done by customer or by customer category. Only 1 setting (by customer OR by customer category) to choose as default setting during system setup and this is not allowed to change in the future. So, user need to think carefully and decide which setting to choose as default setting for price group.


Assign Customers to Price Group

Under Customers section, click Assign Customers.


Search the customer.


Tick the customer and then click Assign button.


Message “Customers assigned…”


Assign Customer Category to Price Group

Under Customer Category section, click Assign Customer Category.

Search the customer category.

Tick to select customer category and then click Assign button.

Message “Customers category assigned…”

Assign Items to Price Group

Under Item Price section, click Create.


Search item.


Select the UOM and fill in the new Unit Price.

Click Create button.


Check the item price.


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A message board to share news or anything with the salesman.


Setup Bulletin

Click Create.


Fill in the Subject – Message Header.
Urgent – Tick the box if Urgent Attention required.
Note 01 – Fill in the message.
Photo01 – Click Choose File to select the picture.

Then, click Create.


Click the Red Cross to delete the message if no longer needed.


Once the salesman sync, he will have an alert about the bulletin message.


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