
i. Edit Quantity in Picking List
ii. Confirm Picking List to Generate Sales Invoices
iii. Split Sales Order
iv. Split Sales Order in KIV
v. Retag Selected Line(s)
vi. Check Stock Balance

All Sales Order in Status WIP will appear in Picking page.

Select the picking date or else it is default today date.

Tick the sales order that want to generate picking list. 
Then, click Generate selected line(s).

Message appear “Picking list(s) generated.”

Scroll down to below Picking Lists section.

The sales order that you ticked will generate a picking list.

i.Edit Quantity in Picking List

To view the Sales Order summary, click Hide/Show Document List.


To edit the item, click on the Sales Order number that you wish to edit.


It will direct to the Sales Order page.

Click to edit the item.


Click Save button once edit done.


Message “Delivery Order [xxxxx] saved.” Click Close button.


You will be directed back to Picking List page.
Check the quantity of the item that you edited.


Click Close.


click here to close

ii. Confirm Picking List to Generate Sales Invoices

Choose the Invoice Date or else default to today Date.


Tick the Picking Number that want to confirm as Sales Invoice.
Click Confirm Selected Line(s).


Message”Picking List(s) confirmed and sales invoice(s) have been generated”;
Click the link Click here to go to sales invoice list to access to Manage Invoice page.


click here to close

iii. Split Sales Order

Under section Picking, click button at Sales Order.


Fill in the “Quantity to Send”;, the quantity that want to split to another Sales Order.


Example item no. 1, want split to another sales order, white item no.2 and no.3 just remain in this SO0700184. Quantity to Send for item no.1 fill in 15, then item no. 2 and no.3 fill in 0.
Click Split.


Message “Sales Order [SO0700184#1] generated. Status = [WIP]”
Another Sales Order will be generated and the number is same with the Original Sales Order and ending with “#1”.


Return to the Picking page and looks for the Split Sales Order.


Click to Merge back the Sales Order back to its original Sales Order


Click OK.


The Sales Order will be merged back to original Sales Order again.


click here to close

iv.Split Sales Order in KIV

Split the Sales Order into KIV list. Fill up the Quantity to Send. Then click Split & KIV.


Message: Sales Order [SO0700184#1] generated. Status = [KIV]Another Sales Order will be generated and the number is same with the Original Sales Order and ending with “#1”


Go to KIV list to look for the Split Sales Order.


click here to close

v. Retag Selected Line(s)

At the picking page, you may perform Retag Selected Line(s) for WIP Sales Order, so that system can recalculate the stock balance level and retag for item stock balance (yellow tag)


Tick the Sales Order that want to retag. Then, click Retag Selected Line(s).
The Sales Order will removed the yellow tag, if the stock balance is sufficient now.
Or item with insufficient stock balance, will be tagged with yellow tag now.

click here to close

vi.Check Stock Balance

At Picking page, you may perform Check Stock Balance for Sales Order (WIP) or at Picking List.


Tick the Sales Order (WIP), then click Check Stock Balance. It will show the item Out Of Stock, and short quantity.


Tick the Picking List, then click Check Stock Balance. It will show the item Out Of Stock, and short quantity.


click here to close