Create Salesman and Salesman Setting

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Next, we go on with step 4. Create Salesman account
To do that, from the main page click on the System > User Management > Manage Salesman to start creating salesman account.

And you will be directed to Manage Salesman page. To start creating, click on the Create button

Fill in form accordingly.
Status: Inactive – to make the salesman unavailable
Active – To make the salesman available
When done, click Create button.

Salesman Mobile Setting

Once created, you will be directed Update User page. Here you can edit the salesman details if needed.

In this page also, you can do individual SFA setting for the salesman. You can change the setting if you necessary or you can let it be set as default.

Assign Division to Salesman

Scroll Down you will see 3 tabs. It is compulsory to assigned the salesman to his respective division. To assign Division to salesman. Click the Add Division link

Then you will be directed to Add division page. Here, simply choose desired Division from the drop down list and then click the orange Save button.

Assign Customers to Salesman

Salesman usually have their own specific customers. If needed, you can assign specific customers to specific salesman. To do that, click on the Customer tab and then click the Assign Customer

In assign customers page, Use the search function to find specific customers. You can use the customer code, ref code, company name, area, category,agent to search/filter the customer. Once done click the Search button

The search result will be under the search section. Select your desired customer and click Assign button to assign it to salesman. When done, simply click Close

Assign Supplier to Salesman

To assign specific customers to specific supplier, simply click the Supplier tab and click Assign Supplier

In Assign Supplier page, use the search feature to search supplier by their code or name and click Search button

The search result will be under the search section. Select your desired supplier and click Assign button to assign it to salesman. When done, simply click Close
Done with all the setting and update. Click Save button and the green notification will appear on top.

Delete Assigned Division/Customer/Supplier from Salesman

To delete any assigned division, customer or supplier, simply click the red X button from respective tab

Change Salesman Password

To change salesman login password, Go to the Manage Salesman and search for the salesman id OR name and then click the pencil button.

Then scroll down until you see Change Password button.

Simply key in new password in the form and click Save