Add New Database

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Before continue further, make sure you downloaded & installed Efichain Mobile App. If you haven’t, kindly follow step on

1. Open the app > Click “Sync” > Click > Click > Scan QR code (Kindly refer to ” Get Salesman QR Code From Web : ” to get that QR Code).

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-1-1024x347.png
Sample of QR code

2. DB Name will auto fill > Choose “SD Card” for Save Location > Click “Back” button.

***** NOTE : Do not click X, it will cause permanent remove of all data in app, kindly refer to Efichain Consultant before delete. *****

3. Make sure details as below > Click “Sync”.
Connection : 3G (always)
URL & Username : Auto Fill
Password : 1234 (always)
DB Name : Auto Fill (always)
Sync Type : Full Sync (always)