Call Card

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To place an order, user need click on Call Card to select items and key in order quantity.

#call card # sales order

Default setting for order status is Confirmed. User can change status to Proposed if the order is not confirm and not going to sync back to system.

#confirmed #proposed #not confirm order #not sync back order #header

#npd #promotion

At PROMO tab, user can view all the available promotion for this customer. Click to select promotion to key in order quantity.

#promotion #promo

#must sell sku

BALANCE tab allow user to key in customer’s stock balance at display shelf and at store room / warehouse.

#stock balance #shelf #warehouse #store room

#how to search product #how to search item

#search keyword #filter item #filter product #category

#filter #show all items #show current order #show balance products #show product by history #show other products not in order #show other products not in balance #show products with stock #show latest products

#scan item #scan barcode #search barcode

#search by item group #shortcut

#key stock balance

#key balance #batch no #expiry date

#preview balance

#order #key order #order discount #unit price

#key item remark

#edit unit price

#minimum price #min price

#item info #item price history #item return history


#enlarge picture

#enter promo #promotion #%

#promotion #min qty #minimum quantity #min value #minimum value

#search item in promo

#enter promo #minimum value #minimum quantity #min qty

#promotion choice selection #blue colour #blue section #promotion option #choose foc

#promotion foc #foc selection #foc item #green colour

#preview order #normal item #item with promotion #foc item #order summary #total order

#edit order quantity #ordered quantity

#edit promotion #edit promotion quantity

#delete promotion

#add service item #non stock item

#save call card #check call card #footer discount #4 tiers