Create Promotion

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Create Promotion
A. Create Promotion Price Off / Qty Disc / Basket – Value
B. Create Promotion Lines
C. Promotion Allocations
D. Update Promotion Details
E. Grouping Promotion Lines

Go to promotion section

Click Sales & Delivery

Click Promotion

Create Promotion

  1. Click on the Create button

Select promotion Type from the drop-down menu

Promotion Types:-

Price Off – Item Price to follow Net Price set in promotion, to give discount or FOC. Eg:

  • List Price of item is RM10, but in promotion, offer price at RM8 per unit
  • Purchase at RM8 per unit, when order value reach RM300 to get 4% discount or FOC 1 unit
  • Purchase at RM8 per unit, order 10 ctn to get 4% discount or FOC 1 unit

Qty Disc – Item Price follow LIST PRICE only, to give discount or FOC. Eg:

  • List Price of item is RM10
  •  Purchase at RM10 per unit, order 10 ctn to get 4% discount or FOC 1 unit
  • Purchase at RM10 per unit, order value reach RM300 to get 4% discount or FOC 1 unit

Basket Qty – Offer based on fixed quantity set, all items follow LIST PRICE only. Ordered by numbers of Set. Eg:

  • Order 1 set which included Item A (2 ctn) + Item B (2 ctn), discount 30% on each item
  • Order 1 set which included Item A (2 ctn) + Item B (2 ctn), and FOC – Item C (1 ctn)
  • The quantity of each items, cannot be changed.

Basket Value – All items follow LIST PRICE only, (same like qty disc) eg:

  • Order 1 set which included Item A (2 ctn) + Item B (2 ctn), discount 30% on each item
  • Order 1 set which included Item A (2 ctn) + Item B (2 ctn), and FOC – Item C (1 ctn)
  • The quantity can be changed to add more, but cannot reduce the quantity

NPD – Introductory of new product launched, can set few items in the promo

Must Sell – Must Sell SKU/Must Sell Items, can set few items in the promo

Flexi Disc – To give maximum discount % and allow the salesman to edit the discount %, eg:

  • Order Item A, get discount 10% + 3%. Meaning the salesman can amend the discount % to any figure below 10% and 3%, eg: 8.77% + 2.8%
  • Follow Item LIST PRICE only.

Create Promotion Price Off / Qty Disc / Basket - Value


1.    Select Type (Price Off or Qty Disc), enter code, and description. 

2.    Valid From, Valid To – Select promotion start date and end date***

        *** Promotion will be valid only if Invoice Date falls within the validity period. 

3.    Use Latest Price (apply to promo type PRICE OFF only)

    Will ignore item price in promo

    Ticked – item price follow LIST PRICE

    Unticked – item price follow the selling price set inside promo

4.    Web Only

    Salesman will not see this promotion on Efichain mobile apps.

5.    Is Active

    Set the promotion status to active or inactive

6.    Select validation by Qty or Value

    By Qty – Triggered point to give the FOC or Discount, by quantity. Example: 

o    Validation Min Qty set 10

o    For FOC, it is by calculated by level: Buy 10 ctn FOC 1, Buy 20 ctn FOC 2, Buy 30 ctn FOC 3

o    For Discount %, it is calculated by fixed %. Buy 10 ctn Discount 5%, buy more than 10 ctn also Discount 5%

    By Value – Triggered point to give the FOC or Discount, by value. Example:

o    Validation Min Value set RM 100

o    For FOC, it is calculated by level: Buy RM100 FOC 1, buy RM200 FOC 2, buy RM300 FOC 3

o    For Discount %, it is calculated by fixed %. Buy RM100 Discount 5%, buy more than RM100 also Discount 5%.

7.    Validation by Qty, to set Min Qty and Max Qty

    Min Qty

o    For normal case of buy 10 ctn, FOC 1unit or discount 5%, min qty can set the 10. Max qty set as 0. 

    Max Qty

o     Set for the occasions of not follow the calculation of Discount or FOC by level and net price offered based on different quantity, example:

1.    Ordered qty between 0 to 10, FOC 1, or discount 2%, or net price at RM 5

2.    Ordered qty between 11 to 20, FOC 4, or discount 5%, or net price at RM 4

3.    Ordered qty between 21 to 30, FOC 6, or discount 10%, or net price at RM3

o    Refer to case of 1, the min qty set to 0, and max qty set to 10

o    Refer to case of 2, the min qty set to 11, max qty set to 20

o    Refer to case of 3, the min qty set to 21, max qty set to 30

Create New Promotion Validate by Value

    Item A + Item B + Item C (mixable)= hit RM 1,000 – FOC 1 CTN Item D


1.    Choose Validate by Value 

2.    Enter Min Amt – 1,060.00 (Amount must be included GST)

3.    Then, click Create Button

Create New Promotion Validate by QTY

    Buy 10 cartons Item A – FOC 1 carton Item B


1.    Choose Validation by Qty

2.    Enter Min Qty – 10

3.    Click Create Button


4.    A successful message will be showed. The New Promo Code is created. 

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Create Promotion Lines

1.    Go to Promotion Lines section, click Create to create promotion line


2.    Item – search the item by clicking on the magnifying glass or key in the item code directly

3.    UOM – select UOM

4.    Qty – default as 0. If set quantity, it means User cannot reduce the quantity, but user able to add more quantity. 

5.    Then, click Create.  

6.    Create the 2nd, 3rd and so forth promotion lines by repeat same steps. 


7.    Create promotion line for FOC item, enter FOC QTY, 

8.    Tick the F.O.C box. Discount will be 100.00 %

9.    Then, click Create button. 


10.    Create promotion line for discount %

11.    Discount box – key in discount percentage

12.    Then, click Create button. 


13.    Once done, click Cancel button to return to the page of the Promotion.


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Promotion Allocations

1.    Click Create Allocation


2.    Choose Level by Company or by Division


3.    Fill in the allocation budget by Amount. If the promotion per set is value at RM 200, and it is limited to 100 set, then the allocation budget amount should be RM 20,000.00

4.    Click SAVE. 


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Update Promotion Details

1.    Edit the promotion details at different tabs



1.    Assign to the dedicated Divisions. Click Assign Divisions



1.    Click Assign Customers


2.    Search the customer by division, category, or area that you wish to assign

3.    Then click Search button


4.    The list of customer will be appear at the bottom of the page

5.    Tick the customer or tick the header box to select all customers

6.    Then, click Assign button


7.    Once successfully assigned, a successful message will be showed. 



1.    Assign by Customer Category/Group/Channel/Type

2.    Assign promotion by customer category. Click Assign Categories.


3.    Tick on the customer category that you wish to assign the promotion.

4.    Then, click Assign button 


5.    Once successfully assigned, a successful message will be showed



1.    Upload the promotion picture by clicking Add Image


2.    Click Choose File


3.    Fill in Description if needed, then click OK. 


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Grouping Promotion Lines


    Buy 10 Carton Item A

    FOC 1 pack choose from Item B or Item C

    To enable the flexibility to choose 1 FOC item either Item B or Item C (meaning 2 choose 1)

1.    Create 2 promotion lines for FOC item

2.    Tick selection box of both FOC items.

3.    Then click Group


4.    No. of items to choose – Choose 1

5.    Then, click Confirm button


6.    The items confirmed being grouped will be displayed in Green tagging.


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