Import Promotion using Excel

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1.    Click Import Excel 2007 button.

2.    Select the Division

3.    Select Supplier (item category 0) and valid until (default put today date)

4.    Then click Download. 

5.    Check the downloaded date and time

6.    Click on the excel file link to download the excel file.

7.    Open the excel file.

8.    Fill up the excel file. 

9.    Click Choose File.

10.    Select the file that you wish to upload.

11.    Click Open. 

12.    Click Upload.

13.    You will see the date and time showing the current upload time. 

14.    Once the file uploaded, click Verify to check for the file problem. 

15.    A message will show the promotion code is going to update. 

16.    If there are problems found, you need to amend on the Ms Excel and upload for verify again. 

17.    Once verification done, click Import.  

18.    A message will show the promotion code record updated. 

19.    Once Import done, click Close. 

20.    You will see the promotion code imported. 

21.    Click on the pencil if you wish to edit or update the promotion.