Import Vendors

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A part of setting up the system, user also need to create Vendor/Supplier details. Same as import customer, user may use import vendor function to import vendor detail which stored in Excel Spreadsheet and import directly into system.

1.    To download the import vendor template, please go to Vendors > Setup > Import Vendor:

2.    Select Division.

3.    Click Download button.

4.    Make sure the date and time has been updated to current date and time.

5.    Click this link to download template in excel format.

6.    Downloaded Import vendor template as per below:

7.    Here is the explanation on the column/details required in template:

8.    After done fill up the vendor details at this template. User need to upload the vendor details with this template into system.

9.    To upload the template, user need to go to:

10.    Click to select division.

11.    Click to choose file where the import customer template saved.

12.    Click Upload button to upload file.

13.    Click Import button to import file into system.

14.    System will show message in green colour for the vendor details uploaded successfully into system.

15.    Done.