Order Status (Summary)

Order Status (Summary) is to check the status or progress of a sales order, without item details.

Default criteria is chosen for all divisions and date one week before until today.

Select the others criteria, and then click Search.

A list of Sales Order will be listed.

1. S/O Status : DRAFT
* Order created but haven’t approved/confirmed (Draft)

* Order approved/confirmed (WIP)

3. S/O Status : KIV
* Order will be disappeared from Transactions > Sales Order (Outstanding) list and appeared in Manage & Search Document > Sales Order list
* Reverse the order if want to change the status back to Draft

4. S/O Status : VOIDED
* Order will be disappeared from Transactions > Sales Order (Outstanding) list and appeared in Manage & Search Document > Sales Order list* Reverse the order if want to change the status back to Draft
* Reverse the order if want to change the status back to Draft

5. S/O Status : PICKED
* Picking List generated (From picking)

6. S/O Status : INVOICED

* Invoice generated (From picking list)
* Note : Voided Invoice will still show as Invoiced

7. S/O Status : SHIPPING
* Scanned under Assign Transport (Barcode)

8. S/O Status : SHIPPED

* Scanned under Shipment Fulfilment (Barcode)

Sales order might have label (orange colour) at the right hand corner.

1. Inactive item : Order included inactive items due to timing difference error (item status changed in web but not synced to Tab)

2. Stock Allocation : Order included out of stock items

3. Group Credit Limit : Order amount more than credit limit

4. Blacklist : Customer is blocked in division

5. Minimum Price : Item Price is below minimum price

6. Pricing : Item Price is edited from its normal price