Sales Rep Report

Click Sales Rep Reports.

Select the Sales Rep report type.

Select the criteria.

Click Generate.


1. Q : What is Location report (Map)?
A : It is a map shown Check In point of salesman during certain period of time.

2. Q : What is Salesman Daily Sales Report?
A : Salesman Daily Sales Report is daily Check In and Out report of salesman. It is also a breakdown of Sales Rep Reports > Route Plan Fulfillment Report.

3. Q : What is Daily Order Fulfilment Report?
A : It show whether SO has transferred to be Pick List, Invoice, Shipment, Fulfilment and CN/Sales Return (if copied from Invoice).

4. Q : What is Lead Time?
A : Number of day different between Creation of two documents. 0 mean same day creation.

5. Q : What is Daily Sales Return Fulfilment Report?
A : It show whether Sales Return has transferred to be Return Received or Credit Note.

6. Q : How can I know whether salesman visited customer?
A : You can refer to Salesman Attendance Report. If SO created via mobile/web during that date range, it will show Y otherwise N.

7. Q : In Salesman Attendance Report, what does Total Visit mean?
A : Total Visit will indicate number of visits during that date range.

8. Q : How can I get information about all salesman?
A : Kindly refer to Salesman Listing Report.

9. Q : What is New customer Listing Report?
A : It is similar to Customer Listing Reports under Sales Report.

10. Q : In Salesman Target Report, what Sales Target, Return Damage %, Incentive, Achieved vs Sales Target %, Comm % column are empty?
A : They are mean to be empty, as salesman Target Report is a template only, those data didn’t maintain in the system.

11. Q : In Salesman Target Report, how Successful Call calculated?
A : Number of customer owned at least an invoice / Number of outlets assigned to the salesman

12. Q : In Salesman Target Report, what do Return Good, Return Damage and Achieved mean?
A : Return Good + Return Damage = Total CN amount
Achieved = Total Sales – (Return Good + Damaged)

13. Q : In Route Plan Fulfilment Summary Report, what do MCP, Actual, Not Fulfill, Follow, Not in MCP mean?
A : Definition as below:
MCP – Scheduled Route Plan (Not Fulfill + Follow)
Actual – Checked in (Follow + Not in MCP)
Not Fulfill – Scheduled Route Plan that DIDN’T check in
Follow – Scheduled Route Plan that DID check in
Not in MCP – Checked in but not in Scheduled Route Plan

14. Q : In Route Plan Fulfilment Detailed Report, what do MCP column mean?
A : MCP column included NO, Yes and -.
NO mean this outlet does not include scheduled route plan of the day
– mean this outlet does include scheduled route plan of the day but does not actual visited
YES mean this outlet does include scheduled route plan of the day and does actual visited

15. Q : In Route Plan Fulfilment Detailed Report, what do Reason column mean? A : It is Check Out Reason selected by salesman in mobile app.

16. Q : Which report can track Inventory level of particular customer?
A : Kindly refer to Customer Inventory Report. It is also a breakdown of Call Card Report.

17. Q : How do I know who performed Credit Approval?
A : Kindly refer to Credit Approval Report.

18. Q : How to download Check In/Out Photos taken by sales rep?
A : Kindly download via Download Check in/Out Photos.