Sales Report

Click Sales Report.

Choose the sales report type.

Choose report group by level 1 and up to 4.

Level can view by Area, Salesman, Customer, Item, and etc.

Select other report criteria, and then Generate.


a. Sales Reports

1. Q : What is Group By Level function?
A : You can group up to 4 levels by Area, Division, Salesman/Agent, Customer, Customer Category, Item, Item Category. Choose “-” if you don’t want any grouping.

2. Q : Why should I choose date range?

A : The sales report will include documents that created within the date range (inclusive).

3. Q : What happen if I tick Show FOC Qty?
A : FOC Qty will be separated out from Sales Qty, Return Good Qty and Return Bad Qty.

4. Q : What happen if I choose Yes / NO for Use Case (CTN) Qty?
A : If Yes, Qty will show in biggest UOM (not necessary CTN) , if No, Qty will show in smallest UOM.

5. Q : What is the difference between Sales Summary Report and WIP Sales Summary Report?
A : WIP Sales Summary Report included below fields:
– Total S/O Draft (Total amount (RM) of S/O that are tagged under status of DRAFT)
– Total S/O WIP (Total amount (RM) of S/O that are tagged under status of WIP)
– Total Picking (Total amount (RM) of S/O that are Picking List)

6. Q : What is Sales Transactions Report?
A : It included a listing of sales documents such as Invoice, Debit Note and Credit Note. Columns included Doc. No, Doc. Type, Date, Customer, Salesman, Product, Discount, Promotion etc.

7. Q : How can I know how much daily sales generated by each Division/ Area/ Salesman/ Customer/ Item?
A : You can use Daily Sales Report and Group By Level function (see #1 for more details).

8. Q : Where can I get weekly or monthly Sales Reports?
A : For weekly report, you can use Daily Sales Report and filter by date range on a weekly basis. For monthly report, you can use Monthly Sales Report.

9. Q : What are the differences between Sales Summary Report and Detailed Sales Report CSV?
A : Detailed Sales Report CSV is raw data of Sales Summary Report with more fields such as Location, Batch No., Promotion, Discount etc.

10. Q : In Sales Reports > Delivery Summary by Item, what happen if I choose D/O Only or D/O & Invoice?
A : The difference is:
– D/O only – show DO that created under Sales & Delivery Settings > DO Confirm Status : Skip Invoicing
– D/O & Invoice – show DO that created under Sales & Delivery Settings > DO Confirm Status : Skip Invoicing AND Invoicing To Complete

b. Claim Reports

Discount Report

1. Q : How can I know how much discounts have been issued for certain item category/ customer/ customer category?
A : You can use Discount Summary Report and Group By Level function.

2. Q : What are the differences between Discount Report and Discount Summary Report?
A : Discount Report is a detailed version of Discount Summary Report with more fields such as Doc. No, List Price, Purchase Price (Cost) etc. Kindly note that both reports excluded FOC items and footer Discount.

3. Q : What happen if I put NORMAL/PRICE GROUP for List Price By?
A : Impact will show on column “After”. If NORMAL, price calculated based on List Price. If Price Group, price calculated based on Invoice Price.

4. Q : In Discount Report, what do “Purchase”, “List Price”, “Original” mean?
A : Definition as below :
– Purchase (Purchase Price or Cost of the item. This data is maintained in Manage Product > Purchase List > Unit Price)
– List Price (Listed price of the item. This data is maintained in Manage Product > Price List > Unit Price and can be found in Sales Invoice > Invoice Lines > List Price.)
– Original (Selling price of the invoice in an invoice. This data can be found in Sales Invoice > Invoice Lines > Price)

5. Q : In Price Difference Report, what do “Order Price”, “Price Difference” and “Qty Loose” mean?

A : Definition as below:
– Order Price (Selling price of the invoice in an invoice. This data can be found in Sales Invoice > Invoice Lines > Price)
– Price Difference (List Price minus Order Price)
– Qty Loose (Qty in smallest UOM)

Sales History

1. Q : Can I only see FOC items?
A : Yes. Kindly refer to Sales History (FOC only) Report.

2. Q : How can I know Discount % or amount given to each line item?
A : You can refer to Sales History (By Discount only) and Sales History (By Footer Discount only) report.

Promotion Sales Report

1. Q : How can I know how many items/how much sales made under certain promotion
A : Kindly refer to Promotion Sales Report and filter by Promotion.

2. : How can I track Promotion that happened within a period of time?
A : You can refer to Promotion Sales summary Report and filter by Promotion and Date.

3. Q : What is Promotion Tracking Discount (with S/O WIP & Picking) Report?
A : It included SO with status WIP and picking.

c. Sales History & Listing

1. Q : How can I get Sales Invoice Listing Report by Document No.?
A : You can refer to Sales Invoice Listing Report. It can be filter by Document Status and Shipped Status.

2. Q : How can I get Credit Note Listing Report by Document No.?
A : There are 2 document types of C/N Listing Report (Credit Note & Return Received). Kindly refer to C/N Listing Report.

3. Q : How can I know the shipment details of each Invoice?
A : You can refer to Shipment Listing Report or Shipment Listing by Item Report.

4. Q : What are those document types under Sales Analysis?
A : Sales Order (SO), Sales Order Call Card (C/C), Delivery Order (DO), Sales Invoice (IN), Cash Sales Invoice (CS), Sales Credit Note (CN), Return Received (RR), Sales Debit Note (DN), Sales Return (SR).

5. : What listed in Outstanding S/O by Salesman Report?
A : Sales Order that are still under status Draft (created), KIV, and WIP (confirmed). These SO are yet to process to be picking list.

d. Sales Return History & Listing

1. Q : In Return Summary Report, what do these columns mean?
A : Definition as below:
– Returns Good Qty – Quantity returned to Good location
– Returns Good – Returns Good Qty X Return price
– Returns Bad Qty – Quantity returned to Bad location
– Returns Bad – Returns Bad Qty X Return price
– Total C/N – Returns Good + Returns Bad
– Net Qty – (Returns Good + Returns Bad) X Return price

2. Q : How can I filter Return Analysis?
A : Return Analysis can be filtered by Item, Reason, Salesman, Customer, Location, and Document.

3. Q : In Return Analysis, what do “Qty, Value, Bill” columns mean?
A : Definition as below:
– Qty – Qty returned under the specific reason code
– Value – Qty returned X cost price
– Bill – Qty returned X return price

e. Customer Listing Reports

1. Q : What filter I can use for Customer Listing?
A : Customer listing can be filtered by Division, Area, Salesman, Customer Category and Customer Status.

2. Q : What happen if I tick Separate Address (Excel)?
A :  Customer address would be separated into Address 1, 2, 3 and 4. Kindly make sure Format chosen is Excel.

3. Q : How can I know which New Customer created within certain period of time?
A :  You can refer to New Customer Listing Report and filter by date range.

f. Call Card Reports

1. Q : What are the differences between Balance Qty, Order Qty and Invoice Qty?
A : Definition as below:
– Balance Qty – Qty key in by salesman using mobile app (Customer > Call card > Balance). Refer to Sales Rep Report > Customer Inventory Report for breakdown.
– Order Qty – Quantity ordered using mobile app / web for the date
– Invoice Qty – Quantity transferred to Invoice for the date range

2. Q : What filter I can use for Call Card Balance Fulfilment Report?
A : It can be filtered by Division, Salesman, Customer, Customer Category, Item, Item Category and  Branch.

3. Q : What are call card type?
A : Call Card Balance Fulfilment Report can be grouped by Weekly, Bi-weekly or Monthly.

g. Sales Tracking Reports

Penetration Report

1. Q : What is the difference between Summary and Detailed Report?
A : Summary Report grouped all customers by division, Detailed Report showed by customers.

2. Q : What does the number in item columns represent?
A : The number in item columns represent below respectively :
– Detailed Report – 1 represent Yes, 0 represent No
– Summary Report – Total number of outlets or Total number of 1 (represented Yes) in Penetration Detailed Report

3. Q : In Detailed Report, what does “Total” and “MAX” Column mean?
A : “Total” is frequency of 1 (represented Yes) per outlet/row. “Max” is total number of items in that division.

4. Q : In Summary Report, what does Outlet mean?
A : Outlet is total number of customers under that particular Division.

5. Q : What is the difference between Report by Division and Report by Salesman?
A : The differences are :
– Report by Division – Filter by Division only
– Report by Salesman – Filter by Division and Salesman

Sales Reach Report

1. Q : How can I know how many outlets do sales reach in certain period of time? And which are those outlets?
A : You can refer to Sales Reach Summary Report for number of sales reach and refer to Sales Reach Detailed Report for outlets listing.

2. Q : Can further breakout report in (5) by salesman?
A : Yes, refer to Sales Reach Summary / Detailed by Salesman Report.

3. Q : In Detailed Report, reach always 0 or 1?
A : Yes.

h. Price Group Reports

1. Q : What is Price Group?
A : Kindly refer to Help centre >  Sales And Delivery Process > Sales and Delivery Setup > Setup Price Group.

2. Q : What is Price Group Customer Report?
A : It is a Price Group summary with column “Division”, “Price Group”, and “Customer”.

3. Q : What is Price Group Customer Report?
A : It is a Price Group summary with columns “Division”, “Price Group”, “Item”, “Item Price” and “Valid Date”.

i. Sales P&L Reports

1. Q : How do I define profit margin?
A : Profit = Sales Amt – Cost      Margin =  Profit – Sales Amt  x 100%

2. Q : Can I know how much profit generated from each customer/ item group/ salesman?
A : Yes. Kindly refer to Profit & Loss by Customer / Item Group/ Salesman respectively.