Trade Return

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User can key in stock items with quantity for return’s from customer at Trade Return.

#trade return #return stock #stock return

#trade return number #trade return date #trn no

#trade return pick up address

#trade return detail # received details

Click the plus (+) button to add item

#trade return add item #new item

Choose the item you desire

Key in the details of the return

#refer invoice history

#to clear #to delete refer invoice

Click to view trade return reason in drop down list.

#trade return reason

#item remark

#item discount

Click Add Item to add Item

#add item

To add another item, click plus (+) button

Click X button to delete the item

You can scan item barcode by click the “barcode” button

#delete item

Go to Header tab to save Trade Return

#save trade return

At Header tab, to save to save trade return