View Document, Print Document, Print Sales Invoice as D/O and Copy Document

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View Document
Print Document
Print Sales Invoice as D/O(Batch)
Copy Document

View Document

Click magnifying glass icon or the Document Code to view the document/transaction details.

Click printer icon to download the pdf and print.

Or, go into the Document/Transaction, go to the bottom of the page, click to download the pdf and print.

If the Sales Invoice need to have Delivery Order attached together to your customer. Use this Print Sales Invoice as D/O.

Select Division.
Select the Sales Invoice Date.
Is Printed:
a. Yes – Sales Invoice already printed as D/O before
b. No – Sales Invoice never print D/O before
Click Preview.

Tick the Sales Invoice that want to print as D/O.

Click Export to PDF button.

Copy Document

At Sales Order/Sales Invoice/Sales Credit Note/Sales Debit Note document header page, click the Copy To button.

Copy Sales Order > Sales Order/Credit Note/Sales Return/Purchase Order.

Copy Sales Invoice > Sales order/Credit Note/Sales Return/Purchase Order.

Copy Credit Note > Sales Order/Credit Note/Sales Return/Purchase Order/Sales Debit Note.

Copy Sales Debit Note > Sales Debit Note.

Choose the location.

Tick the item that want to copy.

Click Confirm Copy button.